The name:
The tentative name of Rollins was given tot the school in 1954. Rollins was named after a family that lived in the area for many years after moving from Northern Ireland. Rollins Road, nearby to the current school location is also named after the family. The Education Department, however, did not favour naming schools after persons and preferred them named after locations. The Corio Shire Council suggested McKellar instead.

Early beginnings:
The land that Rollins currently resides was once farmland that belonged to squatters, Mr. Cowie (Cowie’s Creek) and Mr. Stead (Stead Park). Both had come to Victoria from Van Dieman’s Land in 1835 with John Batman. The area that was just scrub was the grazing land for over 3000 sheep.
In 1929 the land was subdivided and later bought by the Education Department in 1971.
The school number (4867) was allocated in 1960 when it was considered that a new school would be needed in the fast-developing area. Further development of a school had to wait until 1973 when the Bell Post Hill Progress Association pressed the need to the council that the area was in great need of a school. A nearby school was overcrowded and to ease the squeeze Rollins Primary School was given the go ahead to be built. However, the building was delayed 6 months and all students had to remain at a nearby school until the grand opening on July 21st, 1975.
The first Principal of the school was Bernie Molloy. He was appointed in May, 1974.
Badge and Motto:
Originally a competition was held to design a badge and motto for the new Rollins PS. Five designs were selected and the successful one that incorporated the then motto of “Consider Others” appeared on all letterheads, clothing, bags and everywhere else necessary.
In time, and as the school colours changed the logo also evolved. The introduction of the school’s values REACH (Respect, Encouragement, Ambition, Consideration, and Honesty) led to another logo change. The logo now symbolises reaching for the stars, setting high expectations. This is a mantra we follow when upholding our values. We aim high to be the best people we can.

The original uniform of Rollins PS was brown and gold. Later on, as they are now, the school colours became blue and red.